• promotes healing

    The aim of integrative therapy is to help you explore what is causing you problems in life and to create a holistic hands on program to help you begin to approach life in a more open and productive way. Our holistic approach ensures that all levels of a person's being and functioning (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health) are maximized to their full potential. Clients must be interested in and committed to self-exploration as well as open to identifying what factors in their life are perpetuating problems, and/or are causing current concerns. Once the root of an issue is unearthed, true healing can begin.

  • relevant Preparing & processing

    Think of integrative therapy akin to psychic white water rafting. You wouldn’t just hit the rapids and just figure it out would you? This new terrain requires systems of support to makes things easier to digest. Whether you’re simply treading the waters or heroically diving deep into facets of your own ego, it is essential you are prepared for what it is to come. Integration counseling helps prepare you for a smoother and more relevant experience. It additionally serves as a safe and private space to process / make further sense of relevant insights so as to be applied into your life.

  • Keeps your experience sacred

    Many things can be said of the ancient uses of psychic exploration for mystic and religious purposes. For one, they are extraordinary doorways into deeper facets of self, creation, and the nature of reality itself. Integration counseling provides a professional, boundaried & judgement free framework to keep your encounters of self mystery and wonder alive. Integrations counseling also negates potential chronic over reliance on these states, as many times, the lessons are shown, yet simply not fully assimilated.

“Transformative Work!”

“Erik’s genuine care and presence, along with his deep knowledge and intuition in our sessions helped me with some really big breakthroughs and challenges in my personal life. I am deeply grateful to him for committing to this speciality line of work that he is so passionate about.” ~M

“...At deeper peace…”

“Since working with Erik, I’ve noticed significant changes in my inner world, notably being more at ease and at deeper peace. The content of our sessions have so much value to me, I cannot thank you enough for them!” ~DK

The way through,

is the way in.